Whoohoo! 2017, Here I Come!
I was challenged at our church prayer time tonight – most of us have heard insanity defined as doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results.
Many, including myself, are expecting greater accomplishments, greater outreach, greater signs and wonders in 2017 – but here was my challenge:
What am I going to do differently or better, or what weights am I going to lay aside so that I can have greater results this year than last year? I can’t expect increased results in 2017 unless I increase something. God has His part (the impossible part!), but I have my part as well. I must prepare so that I have the capacity to receive what He wants to do IN me and THROUGH me in an increased way this year.
Stepping up my prayer life – stepping up my Word life!
Whoohoo! 2017, here I come!
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